
Natalie Vecino’s journey into the art world began in 2012 in New York where she studied Strategic Design and Management at Parsons School of Art & Design, a career focused on strategic design management.


In addition, she took courses to learn plastic arts at Aschan, an Asian art academy. In 2015, she was offered her first job in interior design at a firm whose partners are the creators of many famous movie sets such as Sex and the City and The Devil Wears Prada. As a result of this experience, Natalie developed an interest in interior design and that is why in 2016 she decided to move to Miami to continue learning.


Having gained a great deal of experience, two years later she returns to Colombia and in 2019 Natalie creates her studio, Veciiin. A studio with a focus on product and furniture design for residential and commercial projects.


The objective of the studio is to propose fresh, contemporary ideas to create functional designs that spark conversation. Currently, Veciiin studio has completed various projects in Colombia and the United States.